My husband has lost of dreams. Some he shares with me, and I know he has secret dreams. I haven't asked my husband about today's dare yet, he hasn't done it. I'm sure I will see something like he thinks I should ask him to call out for work to spend a night with me undivided. A night where everyone else thinks he is working. Or, I'm sure he will say she will want to go to a bed and breakfast. Those are my simple dreams. One that you can't put a price on, the other you can. Or I'm sure one of his thoughts might be that my dream would be for his music to slow down or for him to say no to a future gig on his off weekend.
The thing is my husbands "mapped out" music dreams here lately just don't seem to include much "us..." time. Any of the above listed would be great. I used to not let things become so overwhelming and busy that it seemed like he didn't have time for me. I guess that was the kid in me. Now, I'm seeing the adult approach. Music takes up so much time, I miss the time we used to have. I would love that back.
I want my husband to understand, I just care about him. He isn't getting any younger. I want to spend as much time as I can with him while I can... and hopefully NOT beg for it. Lately here I've been doing a lot of begging for emotional personal time. I shouldn't have to beg. But he is so heavily involved with his music, he often forgets I'm there. That's how I've been feeling. I hate admitting to being that girl, but yes... I just want to for one of my dreams when asked, have a much needed quality time alone night with just my hubby. That's my dream. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter when... just soon!
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