Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Love Is Unconditional

    Today's Dare asks us to do something out of the ordinary for our spouse. I've been doing little things here lately out of the ordinary. Making the bed, (which I should do more often, but only been doing it since  we have gotten further into the dare to show my husband I do listen) .... Closing his chest of drawers behind him.... doing dishes more than once a day and actually, and do I dare say it... but I'm learning to enjoy doing the dishes. I'm learning to enjoy it because I see the look on my husbands face after I do them. It feels rewarding sitting there doing the dishes and watching him have his me time on the lap top.
    The dare gives us examples, wash the car, clean the house, buy his favorite dessert, fold the laundry... well, Monday, I folded his laundry just to show I care, Tuesday, I went to the dollar store and found girl scout cookies in his favorite flavor, (still unopened), and yesterday I closed the chest of drawers behind him. I'm starting to run out of ideas. I had to give this dare a little thought.
     I think I could clean the shower door in our bathroom. I don't know why, but he seems to do it often. And I really don't ever think about cleaning the shower door. Growing up, I always had shower curtains! I'd see Mom bleach them maybe once or twice, then go to the store and buy a new one! I am more of a bubble bath person. My tub stays clean 70% of the time. But since our tub and shower are different from each other, I think I may clean the shower door.
     OR.... Last year for his birthday, I made my own coupons for couples.  An example of one said this is a coupon for a shower for two!! Maybe he will pick that one after he sees the clean shower door!!! And this list of coupons has gone untouched for a while. I think this blog will refresh his memory about them. I told him, that the coupons could be used more than once and had no expiration date!!! I think I may tell him to open up the list of coupons and let him have his choice. It's always good to see a refresher like that!
     Unconditional love needs refreshments from time to time! The dare says too many marriages end with the words, "I don't love you anymore." Maybe showing him the coupon book and letting him choose a coupon will refresh the fundamental nature of my true love for him.   The bible says, love hopes in all things, Cor 13:7. I hope my husband enjoys my act in this dare today! Especially since I ended up with a headache to try and think of something that shows our love for each other is a choice. I think letting him choose a coupon will be a prime example of love being a choice. Choosing to love your marriage unconditionally with your husband and walking with the Lord is one of the greatest freedoms you will ever have!!


Berty Bert

Sometimes I feel like I don't do enough for you.
Sometimes I feel like I spoil you.
I guess I need to more smaller things, I do things unannounced, and unnoticed.
I try to pull more than my weight.
I can tell its getting better.
Just don't be so short fused at the little things.

Valentines Day LOVE DARE

I love this book. It has taught me to appriciate the small things you to do and to take into consideration what you have done that might have gone unnoticed that day. I've learned to take notice in those things. Even without saying thank you. I go behind you and do another small task that you may not even notice yourself.... =)

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