Day 2-Love is Kind
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. --Ephesians 4:32
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, Do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
It was really hard to say nothing negative as we walked ourselves through yesterdays arguments and worked them out. But those disagreements have been laid to rest and have been put in the hands of the Lord. I have prayed about them over and over today, until I am blue in the face. I feel let down a little that our first dare was a real dare and it came along with so many challenges.
I think it was the pressure of knowing we had to be patient and what we read on our devotion was fresh on our minds. The devil knew what was going on and was trying his best to destroy any act of patience. It's weird how the devil can toy with you when you least want him to. And you know personally that you don't want to fail, and you are trying your best to lift your head up high to the Lord.
I really like how the 2nd dare builds on the first, my unexpected gesture today will be having dinner ready as soon as Bert steps his foot through the door after he gets off work. I typically like to always have dinner ready when he walks in the door working day shift, but lately we have been so on the go, life has proven me to not be able to other wise. Then, I will also try and wash the dishes as I go along making dinner. I usually have Bert wash the dishes if I make dinner, vise versa. Believe me this will be very unexpected... that is if he doesn't read the blog before he leaves work. Crossing fingers!!! He has no idea either what I am fixing for him. He knows I went to the store for lunch, but he has no idea what I am fixing him for dinner.
By the way, I even took out the trash to the trash can. Usually Bert does that =) I think that's three acts of kindness for making up for my three small outbursts to him yesterday. I LOVE YOU HONEY!
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