Friday, February 25, 2011

A Lifetime lesson from day eleven!

     Two are better than one. I chose to help my husband with putting in the light fixture, with a smile on my face. He had to stand up on a chair to reach the ceiling. Yes, my tall Bert, still has to stand on a chair for things like that. There were four, four foot lights he had to install in the light fixture. I could only imagine him getting off and on the chair four different times and how much time that it would take up.
     I gladly helped him unwrap one of the fixtures when he brought it home. I also handed him the lights as he put each one in the over head fixture. I began thinking how much time he would have spent on that, if I didn't gladly help him out. I began thinking maybe 30 minutes or so.
     In that time I helped him save, I knew he could do something else with it. Two is better than one with accomplishing household tasks. Instead of asking, hey honey, can you do this or can you do that. I will from now on ask, do you need any help or assistance with this or with that.
     I wonder how much time out of our day that we could save by always being willing to help our husbands. Seems sometimes we are more willing to help that perfect stranger walking with a cane in the grocery store than our own mate. We become selfish in our marriage. Not because we want to, but we let the routines of the day consume what we could be doing to help the other.


Berty Bert

Thanks for your help.
I would have made a few extra trips on and off the chair.

Valentines Day LOVE DARE

I'm thankful you shared with me about that lady you helped at the funeral. That was very kind of you. =) I'm sure they are still talking about it today. And who knows sending up sweet prayers about that younger man who helped them.... Love you! You never know who is praying for you!!

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