Monday, February 21, 2011


     When I first met my husband, I formed an impression of him. It was love at first sight. Everyone else thought we were together before we were together. Today I was just as easily reminded of his positive qualities that I loved when I first met him, and still love about him to this day almost six years later.  The love dare said there is an appreciation room that we should always live in. And forget about the depreciation room where negative thoughts or qualities hide.
     I did today's dare a little differently. I first thought how would someone describe me? I asked myself, what's good about me. The list was easy to make. I think I am a very positive person. Thinking positively about someone, including myself is a lot easier to do. I am a strong Christian woman. I don't dwell on someone's negatives. If I love someone, I even love the negative quirks about them too. I don't let the negative thoughts about someone cause me to have worry and grey hair.
     The longer the list got with my positive qualities, I knew this part of the dare would be easy. I listed a full page of 27 positive qualities that my husband has, and there were two that came up on that list not even thinking. I wrote down my husband is very forgiving. If he and I fight, we are quickly to forgive and move on. We don't hold grudges. That doesn't mean we don't ever go to sleep mad at each other, sometimes we do, and discuss the fight the next morning when we have cooled off steam.
     I think if we put some practice and patience first into describing how we think others see us, it would help us with personal relationships too. It improved my self esteem this morning to conquer this love dare. I described myself with a word insightful. I think when you read this blog you will understand that one. I am able to think of things very deeply in thought. Sometimes I love that about myself, and sometimes I wish I wasn't so insightful. I was so insightful about this dare seven, I read it Friday and thought it would be a lot harder than it was. It turned out being very easy with doing it listing positive qualities about myself first.
     I then tried to think about some negative qualities people might not like about me. One of them that stuck out was, I talk too much. I can talk about anything and everything all day and all night. I am not happy about this quality. I like to talk, but I know it has gotten me in trouble opening my big mouth when I shouldn't. One of the previous dares has taught me that some things are best left unsaid. And I'm going to strongly work on that saying for my well being.
     It was hard enough to pin point one weak area about myself. I could only list three things about Bert that belong in the Negative Depreciation Room. An entire sheet of positives and only three negatives. Granted, I know there are a few more I could list, but I know for those few more about me I could list, Bert might have ten more things about me. I know we aren't perfect. I never claimed to be perfect. But I want to work on seeing the positive in myself and my husband and not dwell on the negative... there is no room in life to let the negative qualities in you outshine your positive.
     Obviously, the list that was easier for me to make was the positive. It says I'm a very positive thinker. I don't let negative qualities about someone ring in my ear. Since being forgiving ended up on the positive list twice, I will thank my husband for being a very forgiving person. Bert likes to think there is a middle road, a happy medium if you will. There is no room for grudges in his life. I can learn a lot from my husband. I want to work with my husband and for  him. I don't think my husband would be 51 with bright red hair if he held grudges and didn't forgive easy. He would be all grey by now. By the way, I also listed his unique red hair as one of the reasons I feel in love with him. It makes his bright blue eyes just stand out.
     What can I say, I love my guy just the way he is. I want to live in a room covered in love!!!



Valentines Day LOVE DARE

I wrote my husband an email thanking him for his trait.... this is the email.

Question : What attribute did you thank your spouse for having?

I want to thank you for being forgiving. I listed 27 positive traits about you and being forgiving showed up twice. Col 3:13 the bible instructs us to forgive one another as the Lord does. the best reason to forgive is because Jesus commanded us to forgive. If we don't forgive neither will be forgiven. Freedom is the reward for forgiveness. I also love you because you follow the directions of the bible =) Thank you for being a good leader and follower of the bible!!

My dare for day 7 is complete!!

I LOVE YOU!!! =)

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