Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In the Love Dare  book it says, "the thoughtful nature of love teaches you to engage your mind before engaging your lips."

This is something I know personally really needs work for me. You know the old saying, "Loose lips sink ships?" I wonder how many marriages have been sunk by loose lips. My lips get loose when buttons are pushed. Sometimes I just can't keep my tongue from speaking before thinking. I  need to watch my tone. I can control what I say most of the time, but my tone is harsh or cynical at times.

Reflections on my dare for yesterday, contact your spouse sometime during the business day to simply ask if you can do anything for him and asking him how he is doing.

Bert and I are really good about calling during the day just to say Hi. There is no excuse not to do this to anyone, your Mom, Grandmother, Father, Grandfather, kids, friend... and your husband. This is a pretty regular routine for Bert and I. He works 12 hour shifts and sometimes I'll call to just say I love you and hear his voice. However, yesterday he was off work.

I did make time in the morning to ask him how his morning was going, and was there anything he wanted to get done today. He said you can do me, trying hard not to laugh. I said fair and simple enough. He had already taken the initiative to ask could he wash my whites for me. I said sure. He even folded them. In this house, I do my laundry always. He does his. It's just the two of us. We take care of our own clothes. For him to come out and do mine, fold them, and hang them up was a very sweet gesture.

I also said when he finally popped the question, that he could take me to the library and go with me and renew my book that I haven't finished reading yet. We enjoyed ourselves. Had a nice lunch out, took the bike out again, went to the library, and went and sat like old retired folks on a park bench at a local park. We watched the kids come and play disc golf.

Overall, I didn't do too much that I wouldn't have done on a normal basis, but I did make an effort to be more aware of whether or not my motives were solely just to make something easier for my husband and not just myself.


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