Tuesday, February 15, 2011


      Day 3
Love is not selfish
 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love;
give preference to one another in honor. —Romans 12:10

     My husband was snoozing on the couch after I read the devotion for day three on Sunday. I like to always be ready early. Gathering ideas and thoughts early. I read that day three's dare was to buy something that says, "I was thinking of you today." Yesterday was Valentines Day. Rarely do my husband and I buy one thing specific for each other on Valentines Day. We think each day should be "LOVE DAY." Buying something for him, without him knowing, and without digging too far into the bank and asking him if it was okay to buy something when I know we have bills that must get paid and Valentines Day lunches and evening dates that we needed the extra money for would be a hard and difficult task to do. 
     I wanted something that said I was really thinking of you. My first thoughts were either something to do with his music or his motorcycle. He already has everything he wants about his music. At first I thought about going out and buying a blank cd and putting all of our love songs on it. Spending time and downloading the songs, but we no longer have a free downloading program for music. I would have only been able to buy three songs for the cd with the price of buying songs. And we only have three important songs too us anyhow, but I wanted more variety to fill up the entire cd for him. 
     Then I thought to myself, I haven't seen his motorcycle do rag lately. Thinking maybe he had lost it. That was it! That sounded so perfect!! I had no idea he and a friend of ours had planned riding the motorcycle together for Valentines Day. It was a couple friend of ours that is super sweet and I'm so happy to have shared the dare with them. They are just as in love with each other as Bert and I are in our marriage. It soon became yesterday morning. I hadn't been able to go to Chevron and buy a do rag. Most motorcycle stores in Mobile are closed Sundays and Mondays. He walked out to say he was ready and that the only thing he couldn't find of his riding gear was his "DO RAG." IRONIC! I wanted to jump for joy! 
     Then the day went on, we got busy, eating a nice romantic lunch on the water at a place where we don't get to eat often enough. Then the motorcycle ride wore us out because the wind beat us to death, so we came home, he slept for an hour, as I slept for three!!! 
     The evening progressed into my photo shoot at our local bar. It seemed as if I was going to not have enough time to buy him something that said, I was thinking of you, until today. This morning we sat on the porch and had our daily morning conversation smoking and drinking morning coffee. He said, baby, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything specific that said I was thinking of you. He did say when he was at the drug store, he thought about getting me a sucker. Each time we go in there, they don't have my flavor I like. He said, he didn't want to get the wrong flavor. lol. I told him that was okay. Then I told him what I really wanted to get him. He laughed knowing after why I was wanting to know where his do rag was yesterday. This is a man that never forgets to wear his do rag on his motorcycle. NEVER. Until he couldn't find it yesterday.
     This morning we are going to the Library to return a late book. We are taking the motorcycle. I'm hoping that I can talk him into stopping by a motorcycle shop while we are out and get him a new one that he can pick out. Do Rags come in so many sizes and colors, I'd rather him pick it out for himself so I know he would wear it and like it. =) 
     And, yes, I know that yesterday was Valentines Day. I don't expect Bert to buy a dozen roses for me. I've never been a rose lady. EVER. I like flowers, daisy's, not roses. I like chocolates, not a box of chocolates when you have to taste a bite and half of them are gross in my book. lol. I'd rather have a kit kat bar =) I'm very simple when it comes to Valentines Day...


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